"拼贴艺术被称为 “20世纪最富灵性和活力的艺术形式之一”。将不同的几何形状分离、断裂、重构,结合色彩,明暗,重复等元素的运用,打破时间的序列,制造空间虚实的立体视觉效果。用色简单,像泼墨一般随意挥洒,创造一种错乱的神秘迷离之美。 Collage art is called ""one of the most spiritual and dynamic art forms of the 20th century"". Separate, break, and reconstruct different geometric shapes, combine the use of color, light and shade, and repetition to break the sequence of time and create a three-dimensional visual effect of virtual and real space. The color is simple, swaying freely like splashing ink, creating a kind of chaotic, mysterious and blurred beauty."