We devote all of our experience and efforts for creation
"蒙田,“真正的学者就象田野上的麦穗。麦穗空瘪的时候,它总是长得很挺,高傲地昂着头;麦穗饱满而成熟的时候,它总是表现得温顺的样子,低垂着脑袋。” 山野的绿色尚末褪尽,还有一星半点的草梢还没被染黄。秋波拂过稻谷,沉甸甸的稻穗摇晃着。风声稻浪,如似一曲动人的乐章。那富于色彩的连绵不断的山峦,不知疲倦地翻越,每一座山丘,找寻沉浸在时光里的温柔与美好。
Montaigne, ""A true scholar is like the ears of wheat in the field. When the ears of wheat are empty, they always grow very tall and hold their heads proudly; when the ears of wheat are full and mature, they always behave docilely. With his head down."" The green of the mountains has not faded away, and there is still a little bit of grass tip that has not been dyed yellow. Autumn waves swept across the rice, and the heavy ears of rice shook. The sound of the wind moving the rice is like a moving piece of music. The colorful continuous mountains, tirelessly climb, each hill, looking for the tenderness and beauty immersed in time"