"孩子喜欢冒险,对未知世界充满好奇,想要一探究竟。蓝色系是大海的颜色,船桨和锚是航海的必要元素,充满了海军风特色。看过海贼王,这个充满热血与激情的航海王。他们想要成为一名航海家,坐上船即刻来一场航海冒险之旅,收获艰难又温暖的海上记忆。 Children are adventurous, curious about the unknown world, and want to find out. Blue is the color of the sea, oars and anchors are essential elements of sailing, full of navy features. I've seen One Piece, this pirate king full of blood and passion. They want to become a navigator, get on the boat and immediately go on a sailing adventure, and harvest difficult and warm sea memories."