"说起童年,拼图永不缺席。关于童年的回忆,捡拾起来多像是些童话的碎片,全部连接起来,便组合成一个天马行空的童梦王国。拼成后装点成画,每一片都是成就感。我们追寻的记忆也许是关于童年的笑声,童年的友谊,童年的亲情,也许是曾经玩过的一场游戏。童年的记忆各有滋味,酸甜苦辣就像打翻了的颜料罐,多姿多彩才更美好。 When it comes to childhood, puzzles are never absent. Memories of childhood are like fragments of fairy tales when picked up, all connected to form an imaginative kingdom of children's dreams. After it is assembled, it is decorated into a painting, and each piece is a sense of achievement. The memories we seek may be about childhood laughter, childhood friendships, childhood affection, or maybe a game we once played. The memories of childhood have their own tastes, the ups and downs are like overturned paint pots, and the colorful is better."