"自从人类豢养宠物的历史开始以来,猫和狗就是一对不共戴天的冤家。但孩子的世界是天马行空的,在他们眼里它们都是最可爱的动物,是好伙伴。汪星人憨厚真诚,喵星人傲娇粘人,却拥有着深厚的友谊。它们一起对抗坏人,一起陪伴家人,它们是宠物联盟。 Since the beginning of the history of keeping pets, cats and dogs have been sworn enemies. But children's world is unrestrained. In their eyes, they are the most lovely animals and good partners. Dogs are simple, honest and sincere, while cats are proud, charming and sticky, but they have a deep friendship. They fight the bad guys together and accompany their families together. They are the pet alliance. "