"“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。”深秋晨曦的白云,织成这一片凝绯的轻绡。叶红似火,浪漫的舞曲,曼妙的舞姿,燃烧着、跳跃着、旋舞着……片片枫叶精巧细腻、玲珑剔透,根根叶脉呈现辐射状,伸向叶子中心,给人以蓬勃向上的感觉,似油画般浪漫唯美。 “Stopped the cab at maple woods to gaze the fill, frost-bitten leaves look redder than early spring flowers.”Late Autumn Morning Light Clouds, woven into this piece of Crimson Silk. The leaves are like fire, the romantic dance music, the graceful dance posture, burning, jumping, and whirling...The maple leaves are exquisite and delicate, exquisite and translucent, the roots and veins are radiating, extending to the center of the leaves, giving people a vigorous and upward feeling, romantic and beautiful like oil painting."