"空间在渗透,流线在穿梭。垂线的严肃、坚实,平行线的平和、宁静,奠定了其独特的感情色彩。将拱形廊柱几何化,交错重复排列,现代简约中不乏古典元素。 渐变发散的肌理,不同方向的网格交叠穿插,相互交合渗透,打造视觉上的多层次立体感。 Space is penetrating and streamline is shuttling. The seriousness and firmness of the vertical line and the peace and tranquility of the parallel line have laid its unique emotional color. The arched corridor columns are geometrically arranged in a staggered and repeated manner, and there are many classical elements in modern simplicity. The gradual and divergent texture, overlapping and interspersed grids in different directions, intersecting and penetrating each other, creating a multi-level three-dimensional sense of vision."