"六边形既有三角形四边形的简洁大气,又更加丰富多变。我们以六边形为基础设计元素,利用光影变化而形成的立体视觉效果,在同一单元基础上无限延伸而不留空隙,于设计师而言它是一种有机形态,代表着创意与革新。超高精密的经线为面料打底,配以优良的纺纱工艺使面料品质瞬间提升,另外,采用一根带有节点的纱线,生动自然地呈现织物立体的肌理感,更好的释放面料休闲的感受;用人造丝抛道工艺实现图案点睛之处的亮色线段,色彩交替变化的人造丝纱线镶嵌于纹理之间,编织出时髦的提花面料,置于居家空间,时尚又现代。 The hexagon both has concision of triangular quadrilaterals and is varied. We use the hexagon as the basic design elements, and the changes of stereoscopic to form a three-dimensional visual effect, and infinite extension on the same unit without leaving gaps. In terms of designers, it is an organic form that represents creativity and innovation. The ultra-high-precision warp is the bottom of the fabric, with an excellent spinning process to instantly improve the quality of the fabric. In addition, a yarn with a node is used to vividly and naturally present the three-dimensional texture of the fabric, and its leisure feeling is released better. Using the rayon throwing process to achieve the bright line of the pattern, the rayon yarn with alternating colors is inlaid between the textures, and weave a stylish jacquard fabric. Place in the home space, it is stylish and modern."